I have a Fiberhome AN5506-04 that I am testing (not connected to the Internet). I am able to log into the admin accout and have full access to the webserver GUI.
I’ve noticed that the router has two issues.
– First issue is that the DHCP Server won’t give out IP addresses:
The router gives a message warning that the settings take effect after a reboot. I am rebooting the router after enabling the DHCP service via the “device reboot” in the “device management” tab in the GUI. Then using the C:\ipconfig /release /renew commands in a DOS box on my laptop to test. It’s timing out and then giving me the usual message that “an error occurred while renewing,……unable to contact your DHCP server…..”
– Second issue is that when I power the router down using the power button at the back, it loses all the settings in the config and reverts back to default factory settings.
I can’t find anything wrong with the router other than the above issues and it seems to work fine. I’ve set a static IP on the laptop and I am accessing the GUI via ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port on the router. I could also access the GIU via wifi.
I am also able to telnet into the router and use the CLI to configure it. There is also a console connection on the router’s mainboard that is available should working via console cable be required. (For example using a HEXeditor for firmware)
I know this is not Cisco so my apologies if not in the scope of what is covered on this website but if anyone has any suggestions for me to help solve this issue please let me know.
I tried messaging the “contact us” page above but the captcha is always incorrect and won’t let me send.
Steve Fiorito
February 2nd, 2019 at 17:04
I have a Fiberhome AN5506-04 that I am testing (not connected to the Internet). I am able to log into the admin accout and have full access to the webserver GUI.
I’ve noticed that the router has two issues.
– First issue is that the DHCP Server won’t give out IP addresses:
The router gives a message warning that the settings take effect after a reboot. I am rebooting the router after enabling the DHCP service via the “device reboot” in the “device management” tab in the GUI. Then using the C:\ipconfig /release /renew commands in a DOS box on my laptop to test. It’s timing out and then giving me the usual message that “an error occurred while renewing,……unable to contact your DHCP server…..”
– Second issue is that when I power the router down using the power button at the back, it loses all the settings in the config and reverts back to default factory settings.
I can’t find anything wrong with the router other than the above issues and it seems to work fine. I’ve set a static IP on the laptop and I am accessing the GUI via ethernet cable connected to the LAN1 port on the router. I could also access the GIU via wifi.
I am also able to telnet into the router and use the CLI to configure it. There is also a console connection on the router’s mainboard that is available should working via console cable be required. (For example using a HEXeditor for firmware)
I know this is not Cisco so my apologies if not in the scope of what is covered on this website but if anyone has any suggestions for me to help solve this issue please let me know.
I tried messaging the “contact us” page above but the captcha is always incorrect and won’t let me send.