Before planning an upgrade or install of an IOS file, you will need to understand the meaning of the name of each IOS file.
The IOS file name is usually similar to this form:
1. The xxxx is the platform. For example:
c1005 – For 1005 platform
c1600 – For 1600 platform
c1700 – For 1700, 1720, and 1750 platforms
c2500 – For 25xx, 3xxx, 5100, and AO (11.2 and later only) platforms
c2600 – For 2600 platform
c2800 – For Catalyst 2800 platform
c2900 – For 2910 and 2950 platforms
c3620 – For 3620 platform
c3640 – For 3640 platform
c4000 – For 4000 platform (11.2 and later only)
c4500 – For 4500 and 4700 platforms
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Read the rest of the article in the Router Geek Book: Guide to Cisco Routers Configuration